

Would you like 十大赌博正规平台在线 (正规赌博十大网站) to be able to provide you with information such as your student’s academic progress or even tuition balance? 如果是,请继续往下读. You may be surprised to learn that in most cases, 正规赌博十大网站 will need your student’s written consent. We hope that this information will help you understand 正规赌博十大网站’s duty to protect student privacy and encourage you to act now to ensure access to student information when you need it – or at least avoid the frustration of being caught unaware of the rules.

Why do colleges and universities say they need to protect the privacy of student records?
这不仅是学校的政策,也是法律. 明尼苏达州立学院和大学受联邦法律管辖, 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA), 还有州法律, 明尼苏达州政府数据实践法案(MGDPA), 其中包含十大赌博正规平台在线学生记录隐私的详细规则. One key provision of those laws is that college and university students have the right to control disclosure of private education records about themselves to third parties – including parents, 配偶或其他家庭成员. These rights apply to all college or university students – even if they are minors.*

“Education records” that are subject to these privacy laws encompass a wide scope of information. 教育记录的例子包括:成绩, 住房信息, 类招生, 考勤信息, 校园健康中心的咨询或医疗记录, 纪律记录, 学费余额信息-以及更多. 大多数教育记录被归类为“私人”.”
Schools may release private education records to third parties – including family members – only if the law permits or if the student has a signed a valid authorization.

Of course, students themselves may release their own information as they wish.

When may school officials release private education records to family members?
在大多数情况下,家庭成员将需要出示签名,日期 知情同意/授权发布学生信息表. 或在欢迎和一站式中心领取表格. 然而, any document that includes the following would be valid: who is authorized to release the information; to whom the information may be released; what information may be released; the purpose for which the information may be used; the student’s notarized signature; and a date. A simple e-mail or phone call from the student is not a sufficient authorization.


不需要正本放行表格. 学校官员可能会尊重有效的释放副本,包括传真. An authorization could permit disclosure of information by phone or e-mail so long as an otherwise valid release is on file. A form could also authorize on-going disclosures, such as grades each semester.

We encourage you to discuss with your student signing a release before issues of access arise. 根据需要,释放可以是广泛的,也可以是有限的. You may want to remind your student of the potential negative consequences of not permitting you to have access to information like tuition balance!

Doesn’t the fact that I pay my child’s tuition give me automatic access to information?
No. You will generally need the student’s written consent for private information, 即使你在经济上支持学生的全部或部分.

Can’t a college or university require students to sign a release to parents?
No. 学校要求的任何隐私权的释放必须是自愿的.

Is t在这里 any information that is public about students at a college or university?
Each college or university defines certain information about its students as “directory.” Directory data is available to anyone and no student consent is required to release it. 然而, students have the right to suppress their directory data so that it is treated as “private.对于这些学生, school officials may not release their directory data without written consent or other legal authority. 正规赌博十大网站’s definition of “directory” data can be found at the end of this document.**请注意,这可能会发生变化.

联系正规赌博十大网站数据实践合规官, 内特Stoltman十大赌博正规平台在线学生记录政策. 要发出公共数据请求,请单击 在这里.

*Records of a PSEO student are routinely shared with the high school w在这里 the student is also in attendance. Parents are presumed to have access to a student’s records at the high school unless the student is age 18 or older.


The following items are considered “directory data” at 十大赌博正规平台在线 and will be made available to the public unless the student submits a completed Request for Non-Disclosure form to the Admissions and Records Office:

  •  学生的名字
  •  学习计划
  •  enrollment status (enrolled-full time or part time, graduated, withdrawn)
  •  入学日期
  •  获得的学位、荣誉和奖项,以及收到日期


十大赌博正规平台在线 designates the following information as limited directory data, 哪些可以根据当事人的具体限制予以释放, 目的, 或两个, 但不向公众开放的:

  • student contact information may be disclosed to other Minnesota State institutions for the purpose of marketing transfer opportunities.
  • student contact information may be disclosed to the 十大赌博正规平台在线 Foundation.
  • student contact and schedule information may be shared with the 正规赌博十大网站 Campus Security Department for investigative 目的.
  • graduating student contact information may be disclosed to the contracted commencement photographer for the purpose of providing a proof and order information.
  • graduating student contact information may be disclosed to the Workforce Center for the purpose of providing employment assistance and/or other Workforce Center services.
  • STAR IDs and email addresses may be shared internally for providing services and technical support to students and for publication in the online Student Directory.  Courses which use online methods of instruction may require that email addresses be shared among class members.
  • 学生参与官方认可的活动和体育运动, 除了身高, 重量, 还有高中的运动队成员, 供正规赌博十大网站出版物使用.
  • 学生家乡,用于正规赌博十大网站出版物
  • 学生照片, 个人或团体(静态或动态), 供正规赌博十大网站出版物使用, 学生证, 出于安全考虑